The school offers instruction up to Class XII of the Central Board of Secondary Education New Delhi.
At the plus two levels, the school offers Science, Commerce and Humanities. It is advised that parents enquire about the choice of streams before applying.
The new curriculum under the CCE ( Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) mandates classes LKG to X to have two terms of assessments.
The registration form can be obtained from the school office during the working hours. The filled form has to be signed by the principal and submitted with a registration fee of KD 5.
For LKG, the admissions file can be collected immediately post registration, from the office.
For UKG to IX, the admissions file can only be acquired after passing the admissions test.
For grade XI, admissions file procurement will either be based on the scrutiny of the individual's marks in the X grade Model Exam and Half Yearly Exams or the results of their admissions test.
The admission file contains application forms in Arabic and English which are expected to be filled completely and submitted, along with the admission fee and the term fee.
The admission file is to be submitted with the following documents in the order given below
1. Ministry's School Health Card *
2. Admission Form in English
3. Two Admission forms in Arabic. Both should only be filled in Arabic (Handwritten or Typed)
4. Health Record Form
5. Transfer Certificate / Study Certificate / Bonafide Certificate (Mandatory for admissions to Class UKG to IX and XI. Direct admissions to Class X and XII will be entertained only under Emergency situations stipulated by CBSE. )
6. Passport Copy of the Student & Father (For Indian Nationals, copy of the address page is also required)
7. Civil ID Copy of the Father, Mother and Student
8. Photocopy of Birth Certificate ( Mandatory if child born in Kuwait. Others can attach copy of the birth certificate if available)*
9. Four recent passport size photographs of the student (enclosed in an envelope)
10. Model Examination / Half Yearly Mark Sheet (for Class XI only)
*1. Health card, please contact your area clinic for details.
*8. Birth Certificate should be inclusive of innoculation pages.
P.S. Admission becomes substantiated only on submission of all necessary documents. Incomplete forms will not be accepted.
Kindly note that the Registration fees & the Admission fees are non-refundable.
The recommended books and notebooks will be supplied from the school book store as a lump sum package.

Uniforms are to be purchased from the Uniform Store.
The regular uniform is to be worn on all days except Tuesday, which has been allocated for the sports attire.
Regular: Grey shorts/trousers, white full/short sleeved shirts with inners vest, navy blue tie, black leather shoes and white socks.
Sports: White shorts /trousers. white t-shirt with house coloured sleeves and plain white canvas shoes and white socks.
Kindergarten: Checkered shirt and navy blue trouser. Golden tie with red stripes. Black leather shoes and white socks.
Regular: Grey pinafore ( length of which should be 2 inches below the knee), white full/short sleeved shirt, navy blue tie, black leather shoes and white socks and white ribbons for the hair.
Sports: White pinafore/skirts. white t-shirt with house coloured sleeves and plain white canvas shoes and white socks
Kindergarten: Cream shirt with a checkered sleeve and a checkered pinafore of blue- beige- red and white pattern.
Golden tie with red stripes. Black leather shoes and white socks.
Navy blue woolen blazers or pullovers for both genders.
Any other kinds of jackets are not permitted.
New admissions have to pay an admission fee of KD 20/- as approved by the Ministry of Education along with the first term fees.
Fee is payable in three installments, on or before:
Term I (1st Installment) : 15th of April
Term II (2nd Installment) : 15th of September
Term III (3rd Installment) : 15th of December

Code of Discipline
Students are required to wear neat and clean prescribed school uniform everyday to school. A student not in proper school uniform will not be allowed to attend school and will be sent home with information to the parent.
The hemline of girls pinafores should not be above the knee level.
Boys are not allowed to sport long hair or any other abnormal hairstyle such as step-out, mushroom, military or punk. Coloring and using gel for hair is strictly forbidden for both boys and girls .no elaborate coiffeur/ hairdo is permitted in the case of girl students.
Any student not conforming to these norms will be issued a strict warning for the first time . Repetition of the same will lead the suspension of the student concerned for a period of time determined by the school discipline committee.
Wearing t-shirts, hats, sweatbands, sunglasses, and ornaments of any type to the school is strictly forbidden. Only approved sports gear required to be worn during sports related activity in the school is allowed. Pans/trousers should be formal and simple in design. It should not have any additional fittings like extra pockets, extra zips etc.
It is mandatory for all students to reach the school n time. Latecomers with valid reasons and accompanied by parent will be accommodated up to the first period only.
Absence for a day on valid grounds, supported by an application from the parent the next day, will be acceptable. However prior intimation from the parent, in writing, is mandatory for leave of absence exceeding one day. Truancy from school is a grave offence and can result in a student's suspension or expulsion from school.
A student will be allowed to leave school before closing time only for valid reasons in company with only father, mother or a recognized guardian.
Students of Indian public school are expected to gentle, polite and well-mannered. Their conduct in public reflects the quality of education they receive in the school. Misbehavior by any student within the school premises or in the school bus with the teachers, fellow students, and other school staff or with strangers while traveling by school bus will be viewed extremely seriously and will result in his/her suspension in the school. Use of foul abusive language, disobedience toward teachers and other staff of the school, bullying, hooliganism, disturbing class/school activity intentionally or any other act amounting to violation of good conduct and bringing disrepute to the school will be treated as misbehavior. Fighting with fellow students on school premises or in the bus will lead to immediate suspension from the school, and/or withdrawal of bus facilities.
Forming gangs in the school, inciting and provoking other students to indulge in any type of indiscipline and showing disrespect towards female students of the school will be punished with prompt suspension, and even rustication form the school.
Possession and use of mood changing substances like drugs and alcohol, on school campus will lead to immediate expulsion of a student from a school. A student found smoking on school campus or possessing tobacco, cigarettes, lighter/matchbox or any similar item or substance will be suspended from school.
Bringing radios, portable audio/video playing devices, mobile phones, pagers, calculators, laptop/ mini computers, cameras, weapons, any other gadgetry and objectionable literature to the school is strictly prohibited. All such materials found in the possession of a student will be promptly confiscated. Possession of weapons of any type by a student will lead to the involvement of Kuwait authorities in such a case.
Cheating in a test/ examination or using other person's work as his/ her own will lead to zero award in that test/ examination/ Assignment.
Changing marks, grades or any other awards given on notebooks, answer scripts and report cards an forging parent?s signatures in the school diary or report card will result in the imposition of serious penalty/ action against a student indulging in such practices.
Stealing is considered to be an extremely serious offence and may lead to grave consequences including legal action.
Any act of vandalism leading to damage/ disfigurement of school property /equipment will result in suspension from the school and recovery of the cost of property/ equipment damaged or disfigured by a student.
Any breach of Code of Discipline in the school will be promptly communicated to the parents of the student concerned.
In all cases, parents will be informed and the School will keep record.
In all cases, the decision of the School will be final and binding.
In some cases, students may be advised to meet a counselor.
If the parents do not turn up either for conference or any other discussion, in spite of repeated reminders, the decision taken by the school should be final and binding.
Norms and Values
1. The school insists on punctuality, regular attendance, cleanliness in dress, polish in manners and fidelity to study. English is the medium of instruction and conversation in the school.
2. The classes in Islamic Studies are arranged for Muslim students during which students are given a basic knowledge about Islam and the Holy Quran.
3. Moral Science classes are also arranged in order to inculcate moral values in the children and to provide them genuine moral experiences.
4. The school reserves the right to dismiss students whose diligence or progress in studies is found unsatisfactory or whose guardians show little interest in the progress of their wards. Immorality, grave insubordination, contempt of authority and willful damage to school property are sufficient reasons for immediate dismissal of a student.
5. Genuine respect and love towards teachers are important values woven into the teacher-student relationship.
6. Every student is responsible for the safekeeping of his/her own belongings. The school does not accept any responsibility for their loss. Students are not allowed to bring valuable articles like ornaments to school. In no case are students allowed to keep excess money with them.
7. All must be on time for classes. Latecomers should present themselves to the principal before they enter the classroom. Parent should accompany the student if he/she is late by more then 10 minutes. Parents are not permitted to accompany the children to the class. They are required to their ward at the entrance.
8. At the warning bell, all must proceed, without delay, for the assembly.
9. In the absence of a teacher the monitor will see that order and silence are maintained. If the treacher does not reach the class within the first 3 minutes of the period, the monitor should send his assistant ti inform the Principal.
10. Parents/ guardians are not permitted to visit their wards and their teachers in the classroom without written permission from the Principal.
11. Care must be taken of all school property. No students shall damage any school furniture, write or draw anything on the walls or elsewhere, or cause harm, in any way, to the body or belongings of others. Damage done should be reported at once to the class teacher and will have to be made good. Each class will be responsible for looking after the class property.
12. Students must come to school in complete school uniform except on birthdays/ special occasions. Repeated violation of uniform norms will result in strict disciplinary action against the defaulter.